Monday, June 3, 2013

New York City Waterfalls

One of the four New York City Waterfalls by Olafur Eliasson, Brooklyn Bridge, New York

One of the New York City Waterfalls by Olafur Eliasson
Brooklyn Bridge, East River
New York, September 2008

‘Together they form a mammoth work of shoreline land art called “The New York City Waterfalls.” It is the brainchild of the Danish-Icelandic artist Olafur Eliasson working with the tireless Public Art Fund and a host of public and private organizations and donors. Between 90 and a 120 feet high and up to 80 feet across, they cascade into Whitman’s beloved East River from four dense, plumbed scaffolding structures on or just off the coasts of Manhattan, Brooklyn and Governors Island, making some of New York’s most thrilling waterside vistas more so.’ (Cascades, Sing the City Energetic, The New York Times)


  1. That's a marvellous shot with the sailboat coming in!

  2. That is all the structures as the background.
