Friday, March 1, 2013

Color Like Music

Yellow house, Fondamenta della Giudecca, Burano, Venetian Lagoon

Yellow house, Fondamenta della Giudecca
Burano, Venetian Lagoon
Venice, September 2012

The decorated blue tile on the left of the door reads: “Il Colore come la Musica si serve di una scorciatoia per raggiungere i nostri Sensi e suscitare le nostre Emozioni - Color is like Music, it uses shorter way to come to our Senses to awake our Emotions”. A more literal translation of the Italian would be: “Color, like Music, uses a shortcut to get to our Senses and awake our Emotions.”

See also: Fondamenta della Pescheria - Fritto Misto - Rio de San Mauro


  1. Top floor like a woman, bottom floor like a man ! very nice presentation !

  2. Wow, such a lovely sweet cosy house imagery, like a fairy tale where a small princess suppose to live inside :) I would love one such for me too :)
    Have a nice weekend :)

  3. These colors certainly do awake emotions.
