Saturday, February 16, 2013


Welcoming monster outside Monsterkabinett, Rosenthaler Strasse, Berlin

Welcoming monster outside Monsterkabinett
Rosenthaler Straße
Berlin, September 2011

“Through an old dirty alley housing an independent cinema, in the remnants of the cheap East Berlin that once was, is the most nightmarish art display I have ever set eyes upon. Approaching the Monster Kabinett, I was first greeted by a hulking metal bird creature, slowly and creakily flapping its wings. A skinny man with a shaved head introduced himself as one of the artists in the Dead Pigeon collective, the robotic art group who created the Kabinett, and invited us to the upcoming tour. He directed us then to the promoter, a woman with her pants covered in bright coloured paints, hustling all passers-by to come see the museum. When the time had come, our small group went down the stone steps and into a dungeon of darkness.” (Monster Kabinett, / by Kevin Sexton)


  1. Creepy. I think I would have just snapped the picture and quickly headed the other way. :-)

  2. Oh lol, I just love that part of Berlin!
