Sunday, February 10, 2013


Leitra velomobile, bicycle car, rue de l'Ave Maria, Paris

A Leitra velomobile, or bicycle car
Rue de l'Ave Maria
Quartier Saint-Gervais, 4th arrondissement
Paris, July 2012

“The first LEITRA was built in 1980. Since 1982 it has successfully participated in many tough rallies in Europe, such as Trondheim - Oslo (1983) and Paris-Brest-Paris (1987). It has proven to be a real practical vehicle for long distance touring. Several million kilometers have been covered without personal injuries.
With its three wheels the LEITRA will not overturn on a slippery road. A low center of gravity (typically 35 cm over the ground) and a wide gauge (90 cm) of the front wheels reduce the risk of overturning. The steering is not affected by extra luggage load, because the luggage is kept low, under the seat. At starts and stops, e.g. at traffic lights, it is not necessary to get on and off the bike. The cyclist can sit relaxed, ready to start.” (Introduction to the Leitra Velomobile, Leitra)

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