Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Africa, The Four Continents

Africa, The Four Continents by Daniel Chester French, Custom House, Bowling Green, New York

Africa, The Four Continents by Daniel Chester French, 1903-1907
Alexander Hamilton U.S. Custom House
Bowling Green
Financial District, Lower Manhattan
New York, September 2008

“Africa is the fourth sculpture of the group, located to the far right of the main entrance of the building. The central figure is shown sleeping on a chair of rocks. She is half nude, with fabric draped across her lower body. One elbow rests on the head of a lion, while the other rests on a crumbling sphinx. Her hair is in a long braid, falling over her shoulder. Behind her is another figure, almost completely covered in a long, flowing cloak. Only the figure's eyes are visible, and it is not possible to tell whether it is a man or a woman. The hand of this figure rests on a large jar.” (The Four Continents, New York City Public Art Curriculum)

See also: Asia - America - Europe (The Four Continents)


  1. Ohh i can see some touch of Egyptian Pyramids here in this monument.
    Thanks for the share and also visiting my blog :)
    I am gonna follow your blog now.
    Have nice day.

  2. Poor damaged Pharaoah! Lovely sculpture.
