Tuesday, January 22, 2013

St Helen's Bishopsgate

St Helen's Bishopsgate, Great St Helen's, City of London, London

St Helen's Bishopsgate
Great St Helen's, City of London
London, October 2009

“St. Helen's was one of only a few City churches to survive both the Great Fire of London of 1666 and the Blitz during World War II. In 1992 and 1993, however, the church was badly damaged by two IRA bombs that were set off nearby. The roof of the building was lifted and one of the City's largest medieval stained glass windows was shattered. The church has since been fully restored although many of the older monuments within it were entirely destroyed. Architect Quinlan Terry, an enthusiast of Georgian architecture, designed the restoration along Reformation lines.” (St Helen's Bishopsgate, Wikipedia)