Friday, January 4, 2013

Lion on the Gate

Winged lion of Saint Mark by Antonio Gai, gate of the Sansovino's Loggetta, piazza San Marco, Venice

“Pax tibi Marce, evangelista meus” (May Peace be with you, Mark, my evangelist)
Winged Lion of Saint Mark by Antonio Gai, 1735-37
Gate of the Loggetta, Piazza San Marco
Venice, October 2012

1 comment:

  1. The lion! Nice to see him up close.

    Just yesterday I saw him on dozens of 17-18th C. apothecary jars made in Venice. Remnants of the Franciscan pharmacy of St. Saviour's in the Old City. Quite amazing. I'll have to post pics from their archaeological museum.
