Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Asia, The Four Continents

Asia, The Four Continents by Daniel Chester French, Custom House, Bowling Green, New York

Asia, The Four Continents by Daniel Chester French, 1903-1907
Alexander Hamilton U.S. Custom House
Bowling Green
Financial District, Lower Manhattan
New York, September 2008

“When viewed from left to right, the first sculpture of the set is Asia. The central figure of this group is a calm woman, seated with eyes closed, her hands resting on her knees. On her lap there sits a small Buddha, and in one hand she holds a lotus flower, with a serpent wrapped around the stem. The bare feet of the central figure rest on a platform held up by a series of skulls. She is dressed in draping robes, and wears numerous necklaces. To her right is a tiger, sitting with its back to the viewer and its head turned, gazing up at the central figure. To her left are three additional figures: a boy kneeling, with his head down in prayer; an emaciated old man with his hands tied behind his back in slavery; a woman with a baby strapped to her back. The man and the woman stand bent over, leaning against the central figure for support.” (The Four Continents, New York City Public Art Curriculum)

See also: America - Europe - Africa (The Four Continents)

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