Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Glass Rooster

Glass rooster in a shop window, Dorsoduro, Venice

Glass rooster in a shop window
Venice, September 2012

“The main fondamente of Murano are given over almost entirely to shops selling glasswork, and it’s difficult to walk more than a few metres on this island without being invited to step inside a showroom – and once inside, you’re likely to be pressured into forking out for some piece of kitsch which may not even have been made here. However, some of the showrooms have furnaces attached, and you shouldn’t pass up the chance to see these astoundingly skilful craftsmen in action, even if they’re only churning out little glass ponies and other silly knick-knacks.” (Jonathan Buckley, The Rough Guide to Venice & the Veneto)


  1. It's amazing how they can create these glass things.
    This rooster would make a nice donation to the Peter in Gallicantu church in Jerusalem.
