Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Charité Bettenhochhaus

Charité Bettenhochhaus, Campus Mitte, Berlin

Bettenhochhaus, Campus Mitte
Berlin, September 2011

“Soon, Berlin was divided. The Mitte campus fell into East German property, bordering the Berlin Wall to Moabit. The Charité was announced the leading hospital of the ‘capital of the GDR’ and soon received a new building, which still dominates the skyline over Northern Mitte. The Bettenhochhaus (bed high rise) with its twenty-one floors and connected sections still rises high above the campus. After the Wall came down and when financial issues affected local politics, the Charité gradually merged with the former West-Berlin campi in Wedding and Steglitz.” (Charité Campus Mitte, Finding Berlin)