Sunday, November 18, 2012

Le Mur des Justes

Le Mur des Justes, The Wall of the Righteous, Mémorial de la Shoah, Allée des Justes, Le Marais, Paris

Le Mur des Justes (The Wall of the Righteous)
Mémorial de la Shoah (Shoah Memorial)
Allée des Justes
Rue du Grenier-sur-l'Eau, Le Marais
Quartier Saint-Gervais, 4th arrondissement
Paris, July 2012

“Israel’s Prime minister Ehud Olmert and his French counterpart Dominique de Villepin dedicated Wednesday the “Mur des Justes” (Wall of Righteous) on which 2,693 names of French people who protected or saved Jews during WWII are engraved. The 40-metre-long wall, located at the Shoah Memorial in Paris, bears 37 bronze plates where the names of these people are written, including the place where they saved Jews. It is located on a street renamed the “Avenue of the Righteous” by the Paris municipality a few years ago. The Memorial, in the historic Jewish quarter of the Marais, was inaugurated by President Jacques Chirac in January 2005 on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz.” (Olmert dedicates “Wall of the Righteous” in Paris, EJP)