Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Gloria di San Vitale

Gloria di San Vitale, The Glory of St. Vidal by Vittore Carpaccio, former church of San Vidal, Venice

“Gloria di San Vitale” (The Glory of St. Vidal) by Vittore Carpaccio, 1514
Main altarpiece of the former church of San Vidal, San Marco
Venice, October 2012

“No longer a functioning church, San Vidal has found a use as a concert hall for Interpreti Veneziani, Venice’s premier interpreters of Vivaldi, played on original 18th- to 19th-century instruments. Built as a monument to the glories of God and two Venetian dogi, this stately church is best known for the masterpiece behind the main altar: St Vitale on Horseback and Eight Saints, an uncharacteristically gore-free work by Vittore Carpaccio featuring traces of his signature traffic-light red and a miniaturist’s attention to detail.” (Lonely Planet, Venice)


  1. Concerts in churches (or former churches) are the best...

  2. Lots to look at in that vivid painting.

  3. This is just as surreal as seeing live Lippizaners indoors in Vienna. I could take this home with me....
