Saturday, October 6, 2012

Ponte di Rialto

Ponte di Rialto sul Canal Grande, Rialto Bridge over Grand Canal, Venice

The Ponte di Rialto (Rialto Bridge)
Seen from the Canal Grande (Grand Canal)
Venice, September 2012

“There were many folk stories of the devil walking confidently over the bridges and along the calli of the city. He was reported to have taunted the mason working on the Rialto bridge, for example, with the claim that no one could build so wide an arch of stone. He offered to perform the work in exchange for the soul of the first person who crossed the bridge. It turned out to be the mason’s infant son.” (Peter Ackroyd, Venice: Pure City)


  1. What can I say? I've run out of superlatives for Venice. I want so much to see this city.

  2. Me too, never been there. Did you meet up with James from Reflections?
