Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Niccolò Tommaseo

El cagalibri, The Book Pooper, statue of Niccolò Tommaseo by Fancesco Barzaghi, Campo Santo Stefano, Venice

“El cagalibri” (The Book Pooper)
Statue of Niccolò Tommaseo by Fancesco Barzaghi
Campo Santo Stefano, San Marco
Venice, September 2012

“Nicolò Tommaseo, the Risorgimento ideologue who was Manin’s right-hand man during the 1848 insurrection, is commemorated by the statue in the middle of Campo Santo Stefano; the unfortunate positioning of the pile of books (representing Tommaseo’s voluminous literary output) has earned the statue the nickname il Cagalibri – the Book-shitter.” (Jonathan Buckley, The Rough Guide to Venice & the Veneto)