Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Molino Stucky

Molino Stucky, island of Giudecca, Dorsoduro, Venice

Molino Stucky
Island of Giudecca, Dorsoduro
Venice, September 2012

“The striking neo-Gothic hulk of the best-known factory complex on the island, the Mulino Stucky, was built in the late 19th century and employed 1500 people. Now it is a star of the Hilton Hotel chain, with 380 rooms, a conference centre and several restaurants and bars. The original façade has been preserved and it is hard to miss when looking across the western end of the Zattere. The factory was shut in 1954 and sat long in dignified silence. The Hilton chain saved it from the wrecking ball in 2000 and opened in mid-2007. The views from the main tower (if you manage to wander in) are breathtaking.” (Lonely Planet Venice & The Veneto, 5th Edition, February 2008)

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