Sunday, October 28, 2012

Doge's Palace

Doge's Palace and the eastern column with the Lion of Saint Mark, Piazza San Marco, Venice

Palazzo Ducale (Doge's Palace) and the eastern column with the Lion of Saint Mark
Piazza San Marco
Venice, September 2012

“The palace is, or seems to be, a miracle of lightness. The European observer is accustomed to heaviness of foundation and lightness of summit. In the ducal palace the expectation is disappointed. The long double-storeyed arcade, at ground level, creates the illusion of space and airiness. The deep shadows within the arcade act as a metaphor for the foundation. The darkness has the illusion of volume. The upper part of the façade is made up of tiny marble pieces of pink and white and grey, in the pattern of damask, shimmering in the light of the lagoon. The whole structure has the exact proportions of a cube, but it is a cube of light. The palace might be said to float like the city itself. It is not, in Proust’s phrase, under the dominion of death.” (Peter Ackroyd, Venice: Pure City)


  1. It is so gorgeous. I have a growing desire to see Venice . . . and Rome, and Livorno, and Bose, and and . . . .

  2. Hmmmm.... I just came from the calm bench and here I am surrounded with people...
