Friday, July 20, 2012

Lupa Capitolina

Lupa Capitolina (Capitoline Wolf), Marcus Aurelius Exedra, Palazzo dei Conservatori, Musei Capitolini (Capitoline Museums), Rome

Lupa Capitolina (Capitoline Wolf)
Marcus Aurelius Exedra
Palazzo dei Conservatori
Musei Capitolini (Capitoline Museums)
Rome, May 2012


  1. Do you know how many statues of them there are in Rome?

  2. She has been much in the news recently, after accelerator mass spectrometry was done and it was discovered that the wolf is Medieval and not Etruscan and is some 1,700 years younger than Rome.

    The History Blog
    says "Roman politicians weren’t thrilled with this discovery. It took years of discussion before scientific dating of the she-wolf was allowed, then more years before the results were published."

    What say you?
