Friday, January 6, 2012

Angel with the Garment and Dice

Angel with the Garment and Dice” by Paolo Naldini, Ponte Sant'Angelo, Rome

“Angel with the Garment and Dice” by Paolo Naldini
Super vestimentum meum miserunt sortem (Upon my vesture they cast lots.)
Ponte Sant'Angelo
Rome, May 2010

See also: Vulnerasti cor meum - Angel with the Column - Angel with the Whips - Angel with the Crown of Thorns - Angel with the Sudarium - Angel with the Nail - Angel with the Cross - Angel with the Superscription - Angel with the Sponge - Angel with the Lance


  1. The angel's face says it all, sadness and the gentle handling of Jesus' garment! Excellent capture!

  2. Very touching.
    So it is a series of such angels, nice.
