Thursday, November 3, 2011

Fontana delle Tiare

Fountain of the Tiaras by Pietro Lombardi, Largo del Colonnato, Rione Borgo, Rome

Fontana delle Tiare (Fountain of the Tiaras) by Pietro Lombardi
Largo del Colonnato, Rione Borgo
Rome, September 2010

See also: Fontana dei Monti (Fountain of the Mountains) Fontana della Pigna (Fountain of the Pinecone) Fontana del Timone (Fountain of the Helm) Fontana dei Libri (Fountain of the Books) Fontana delle Anfore (Fountain of the Amphorae) Fontana delle Palle di Cannone (Fountain of the Cannonballs) Fontana delle Arti (Fountain of the Arts) Fontana della Botte (Fountain of the Cask)


  1. beautiful with symbolism

  2. A stately looking fountain. I like the door leading to somewhere in the background...

  3. Oh now I really like this one. I hope you have more to show us!
