Friday, June 3, 2011

Abate Luigi

Abate Luigi, piazza Vidoni, Rome

Abate Luigi (Abbot Luigi)
(one of the talking statues of Rome)
Piazza Vidoni
Rome, May 2011

Fui dell'antica Roma un cittadino
ora Abate Luigi ognun mi chiama
conquistai con Marforio e con Pasquino
nelle satire urbane eterna fama
ebbi offese, disgrazie e sepoltura
ma qui vita novella e alfin sicura

(I was a citizen of ancient Rome
now everybody calls me Abbot Luigi
with Marforio and Pasquino I conquered
eternal fame in urban satire
I received offences, mistreatment and burial
but new life here, and safe, at last)

See also: Madama Lucrezia - Il Facchino - Pasquino - Il Babuino - Marforio


  1. Thanks much for the link. I love this system of talking statutes! Great idea.

  2. I think we might need talking statues again. They might even have more wisdom than politicians...
