Thursday, April 28, 2011

Wooden Mannequin

Wooden mannequin, art store, Via del Pie' di Marmo, Rome

Wooden mannequin, art store
Via del Pie' di Marmo
Rome, September 2010


  1. Adore art stores...there has to be something there that will inspire me to paint rather that take photos with my little Point and Shoot! Great photo...great reflection! The mannequin looks a little tired of standing with it's arms out all the time...*smile*

  2. He/she has a certain charm and attitude.
    Hey, we see you too.

  3. I'm curious about this little wood mannequin. I've been seeing his likes all over the place in the past five or six years and now wonder who designed him. I thought it was a maker in the Philippines, but now I'm not so sure.
