Tuesday, April 26, 2011

L'Harmonie triomphant

Harmony triumphing over Discord, L'Harmonie triomphant de la Discorde by Georges Récipon, Grand Palais, Paris

“L'Harmonie triomphant de la Discorde” (Harmony triumphing over Discord)
Quadriga by Georges Récipon, Grand Palais
Avenue du Général-Eisenhower
Quartier des Champs-Élysées, 8th arrondissement
Paris, July 2009

See also: L'Immortalité devançant le Temps (Immortality outstripping Time)


  1. I was intrigued by the foot that appears under the right hind leg of the horse in the foreground. So I looked up this statue and viewed it from several front angles. I like that your photo view shows part of the rear of statue, with the gold on the wheel spokes and the gold on the winged lion! Interesting that L'Harmonie is a male (as are all the horses) and the Discorde that is being trampled is a woman! Should I read anything into this beyond the fact that the statue itself is amazing...in it's creation and possibly it's statement!?! I suppose women can be discordant however.....!!!!! LOL

  2. @ Theanne - You showed me this monument in a completely new light...
