Saturday, February 19, 2011


Sculptural group, piazza della Repubblica, Rome

Sculptural group
Piazza della Repubblica (Piazza Esedra)
Rome, September 2010


  1. I like the casual way the statues are sitting at the top of the arch! I used my Google map to find Livorno and looked at the city close up in Satellite can actually view everything at street level (but I was in Piza when I discovered I could do that). I did find the Piazza della Repubblica, it is huge and was easy to find...right in the middle of the city and not far from the port. And of course I found the Fortezza Nuova (hope I spelled that correctly). The thing I was struck by was all the farming so close to the city. I would think that would mean wonderful fresh produce all the time. Are the farms owned by individuals/families or are they owned by big agricultural businesses like here in the USA. It's such a tragedy here that there are so few family owned farms anymore.

  2. So cool they way they are sitting.

  3. I've rarely seen legs dangling like that or maybe I haven't paid attention. Blue and white is nice.

  4. @ Theanne - Almost any city in Italy has a 'piazza della Repubblica'. This one, in Rome, is still often called 'piazza Esedra' by the locals.
