Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Fontana della Botte

Fountain of the Cask by Pietro Lombardi, Via della Cisterna, Rome

Fontana della Botte (Fountain of the Cask) by Pietro Lombardi
Via della Cisterna, Rione Trastevere
Rome, September 2010

See also: Fontana dei Monti (Fountain of the Mountains) - Fontana della Pigna (Fountain of the Pinecone) - Fontana del Timone (Fountain of the Helm) - Fontana dei Libri (Fountain of the Books) - Fontana delle Anfore (Fountain of the Amphorae) - Fontana delle Palle di Cannone (Fountain of the Cannonballs) - Fontana delle Arti (Fountain of the Arts) - Fontana delle Tiare (Fountain of the Tiaras)


  1. I've seen relgious art in alcoves in Rome, but nothing remotely like this. It's fantastic! It reminds me (if anything) of the scuptures from the 60s I so enjoyed.

  2. That's incredible. I wonder what the message is here.

  3. It's superb, but shame on the 'graffiti' on the wall!

  4. This is one of the several fountains built in the 1920s, one for each historical Rione. They actually show something typical of the quarter, wine in this case.
    Sadly, most of them are very dirty, misused and not well kept.

  5. This is the third amazing fountain I see in 5 minutes. :-)
