Saturday, June 26, 2010


Vintage camera, Marché Dauphine, Saint-Ouen Flea Market

Vintage camera
Marché Dauphine
Saint-Ouen Flea Market
Paris, July 2009


  1. A beautiful piece that makes us think.

  2. Ah, the good ol' days. I had started a collection one time, and still have a few old cameras, but it got to be too much - just trying to store them all was a problem.

    It's hard to believe that less than 20 years ago I was spending half my life in the darkroom - I developed all my own film and printed all my own photos. So very time-consuming!

    We did a wedding once where we did all the photos ourselves...never again!

  3. Doesn't look as portable as my Canon Ixus ;-)
