Saturday, April 3, 2010

Rue Pelleport

Apartment building by Frédéric Borel, Rue Pelleport, Paris

Apartment building by Frédéric Borel, 1999
Rue Pelleport
Quartier Saint-Fargeau, 20th arrondissement
Paris, July 2005


  1. Wow, is that assemblage architecture? I've never seen anything like it, except, I think, on one of your other posts. The other looked like an explosion, this one looks like an implosion.
    With a dramatic sky to go with it. Nice colors in the photo.

  2. That would drive me crazy! Ok, crazier! It is truly weird. I wonder if the interior pieces are as odd and goofy as the exterior.

    But, you know, I kind of like it! And this is a great photograph - as usual!

  3. That is one confusing building. But different is good in my book.

  4. That is a very unusual building. I hope I see it this fall.

  5. How weird! I don't think I've ever seen anything like this.
