Friday, March 5, 2010

Sea Lions

Sea lions at play, Frankfurt Zoo, Frankfurt

Sea lions at play
Zoologischer Garten Frankfurt (Frankfurt Zoological Garden)
Frankfurt, October 2002


  1. Don't much like the idea of zoos, but I visit them because it is the place to see lots of critters I'd never see otherwise! Seals are always a favorite as they always seem to be having one heck of a good time!

  2. A wonderful shot - they move so fast sometimes. And they're so playful, it's hearwarming to see them.

  3. @ Jacob - I agree about the zoos.

    @ tapirgal - I am not so sure these two were playing. Their skin was full of scars, you can see some enlarging the picture, but there were more.

  4. I'm not too sure what to make of the position and the snarl.

  5. Ha, reminds me of a married couple I know. :)

  6. @ VP, you're rigth about the scars. They get territorial. Often they seem to be playing, but I know that our sea lions on the docks don't like other sea lions to come up and get in their space. It seems to be reasonabley good-natured squabbling most of the time.

  7. What a nice picture! The composition is wonderful!!!! :-D

  8. The look like seals to me, i.e. just as scary!
