Monday, March 15, 2010


Lunchtime atop a Skyscraper by Sergio Furnari, Spring Street, SoHo, New York

Sculpture by Sergio Furnari
Based on Charles C. Ebbets photo “Lunchtime atop a Skyscraper”
Spring Street, SoHo
New York, September 2007


  1. What a super photograph! And what an incredible sculpture...the details are so lifelike - it is easy to imagine fellows just like these taking a break on an I-beam 60 miles high!

  2. I keep using the word "amazing" today, and I'll do it again, because I can't think of another one at the moment. I wonder, do they carry this sculpture everywhere with them, or were you extremely fortunate to have it drive by on the way to an installation? In any case, this is a remarkable piece of art, remarkable timing, and the original photo scares me! But it's beautiful. What a slice of Americana - like an Edward Hopper or Dorothea Lang.

  3. Wow, I've never seen such a thing.
    You were so lucky to be right there to photograph it.

  4. @ tapirgal - I think this is a sort of mobile ad to promote his work.

  5. Oh beautiful and original sculpture: thanks for sharing!

  6. What a superb find! This is great, thanks for sharing it with us :-)
