Friday, March 12, 2010

Above the Below

Spectators at David Blaine's Above the Below, Potters Fields Park, London

A spectator at David Blaine's “Above the Below”
Potters Fields Park
London, September 2003


  1. Funky. And it's nice to see that people in other countries also drape themselves in flags to ... ah ... show their patriotism? Or maybe they're just weird!

  2. It's strange when people do stunts like that, but even stranger is the way other people taunt and try to hurt them. I read the link. I did like what Bush had to say, but he made one mistake. He said, "a few." Still, it was one of his more accurate comments, I'm sure.

  3. I don't understand people who do stunts lik he does. Very scary. I wonder what he's like when he isn't doing stunts.

  4. Ahem. You don't want to know what I'm thinking about this photo.
