Friday, February 5, 2010

Swiss Painter

Student at Jena, Tired of Life by Ferdinand Hodler, Neue Pinakothek, Munich

“Student at Jena” (1908) and “Tired of Life” (1892) by Ferdinand Hodler
Neue Pinakothek
Barer Straße
Munich, March 2004


  1. This reminds of the person who spent so much time with his camera manual, he forgot to take the picture.

    Neat shot, VP!

  2. You framed this beautifully, and the colors are really nice. So many of my museum pix come out badly. I should learn to uese my camera! Thanks for your nice comment about the trees in Portland. I really like it too, and I also don't know why. Maybe neither of us is used to seeing morning light so early in the day.

  3. Aha! This is Trillian! I thought she looked incredibly beautiful! And a lawyer to boot!

    You're one hell of a lucky man, VP!

  4. Simply perfect shot. Perfect conditions to visit a museum too. No one else around.

  5. This shot is SUPER cool. Love it, love it, love it.
