Friday, January 1, 2010


Clock, Petit Palais, Paris

Clock, Petit Palais
Avenue Winston-Churchill
Quartier des Champs-Élysées, 8th arrondissement
Paris, July 2009


  1. A clock . . . what a perfect post for a new year, and I can't think of a better city to chime in the New Year. One of my more surreal experiences was getting off a tain from Germany to Paris in the early hours of January 1 many years ago. I remember gray in the Latin Quarter and papers blowing in the cold wind, yet there was not a person in sight, or hardly. I had to wonder whether the whole Quarter had just retired from one big New Year's party and gone to sleep. Your gray clock brings back the memory. So where was I the night before? We were on a train through Germany, and got off in Frankfurt for a few hours in the evening. To avoid fire crackers in the street and the cold, we popped into a movie theatre, not much caring what was on. I only remember it was a bad Italian gladiator movie dubbed into German. A fond memory, if strange. A rambling post comment. It's funny what a color and location will bring to mind. Of course, you are Italian, so I had to mention the movie :)

  2. Happy New Year! May time bring you joy and happiness! Good health and blessings.

  3. @ tapirgal - That's quite a story. I mean New Year's Eve with a spaghetti gladiator movie, merciless dubbed in German. You could put that on a t-shirt!
    I understand how you felt in Paris then: it's 11am here now and nobody's around, no sounds... no scooters!

  4. Happy New Year! Beautiful photo.

  5. Time ticks away ever faster... how great and terrible at the same time...

  6. Beautiful!
    Happy New Year!
    All the best.

  7. That's a very fitting photo for the start of a new year and a new decade! Felice anno nuovo!

  8. I really like this. And perhaps coincidental...but I would rather think that great minds run along the same route!
