Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Mould Fountain

Detail of the Jacob Wrey Mould fountain, City Hall Park, Civic Center, New York

Detail of the Jacob Wrey Mould fountain
City Hall Park, Civic Center
New York, October 2007


  1. Very nice shot. This is also very good composition.

  2. You do have a photographic "eye"! I really like the way you juxtaposed the "spire" from the fountain with the "spire" in the background...looks like they are related somehow...

  3. VP: You are right! It is this boat shown here:
    Your link says "All scientists are grateful to captain Moti Gonen and his crew on the Vessel "Tiulit" and Vessel "Eshet Lot" without whom this monitoring could not have been carried out."

    Thanks Vogon Poet! You are a great detective.

  4. I'll just paraphrase Jacob then : j'aime beaucoup la juxtaposition de la "flèche" de la fontaine et celle de l'arrière-plan.

  5. Wonderful color combinations as well as the composition. Love the gold and green, and then the mysterious dark takes me into the depth. Nice.

  6. So beautiful! Lovely composition of photo!
