Sunday, January 24, 2010

Brama Florianska

Paintings, Brama Florianska gate, Krakow, Poland

Paintings on the old city wall
Brama Florianska gate
Krakow, June 1998


  1. A very eclectic bunch of paintings! There doesn't seem to be any particular theme. And the gentleman doesn't seem to be selling very many.

    Fascinating slice-of-life!

  2. I imagine you didn't buy anything?

    There is a small alley in Québec city where allsorts of artists sell their oils, watercolours, pastels etc. I could have (but didn't) buy a few, they were pretty good. Yet try as I might, I didn't manage to get the right angle and lighting to shoot the place...

  3. This makes a great photo. Were they originals or prints?

  4. I love this shot. It's got colour, texture and attitude -- just perfect!
