Monday, December 14, 2009

Since 1909

Open to the World since 1909, Selfridges, Oxford Street, London

“Open to the World since 1909”
Oxford Street
London, October 2009


  1. Nice shot! Selfridges is a London institution :-)

  2. Selfridges is a theater, right? I notice the sign is saying "Merry Christmas" (in October).

    I also think this is just what I always thought London looks like. I especially like the three people walking toward you and the guy on the left who looks like he's going to attack the closest young lady!

    This shot is also very well composed, VP. But you knew that!

    Have a great week!

  3. @ Jacob: no it's a department store and I wish I could shop there right now. Wait... maybe not in the Christmas rush!

    @ VP: Very nice colours here, excellent twilight shot!

  4. My friend Joanne posted the same photo on her INSPIRATION blog! :-) Take a look here:

  5. I love this photo. You caught the people and the scene just right, and the lighting is perfect. I meant to comment the other day and got distracted. (Me? Distracted? Never!) :o

  6. I love the phrase, "Open to the World" - not just "Open"! :)
