Friday, December 18, 2009

Piccadilly Wolf

Wolf in chains, Piccadilly Circus, London

Wolf in chains
Piccadilly Circus
London, October 2009


  1. Are you sure it's not one of the Werewolves of London? I love this shot . . . whatever it is! The pure whiteness along with that red-eyed wolf. What teeth! What a snarl. It's great.

  2. Nice shot! but...
    It must be so terrible in the dark!

  3. The girl doesn't appear to be very afraid of the wolf. But I think the fierceness of the wolf is mitigated by the plain shirt. I mean, what self-respecting wolf would wear plaid?

    And the chain...well, that's a problem. A wolf on a chain has got to be too close to you for safety. Unless, of course, you're a pretty blonde girl.

  4. Those perfectly realistic red eyes are scary!
