Monday, December 7, 2009

Pharaoh's Island

Pharaoh's Island, Gulf of Aqaba, Sinai, Egypt

Pharaoh's Island
Gulf of Aqaba, Sinai
Egypt, May 1995


  1. Very cool the way the colors came out. I spent a number of years reading about this place during my high-school T.E.-Lawrence-fetish period. It's nice to see it. There was no Internet then, of course!

  2. @ tapirgal - Me too! I'll post the Seven Pillars of Wisdom for you...

  3. I had only ever seen it in my mind! I love the colours, they are kind of surreal.
    I also loved the fantastic windows yesterday.

  4. An impressive photo, VP. What's the building I think I see on the island, and why do they call it Pharaoh's Island? I wouldn't ask a normal person these questions, but you are the smartest person I know and I know that you know the answers!

    This is such a serene shot ... what with the muted pastel colors in the sky and water...and, of course, the calmness of the water.

  5. @ Jacob - I forgot the link again... On the island there was a Crusaders' citadel, then conquered and rebuilt by Saladin.
    Sorry, no idea about the name, which comes literally from the Arabic Geziret Faroun.

  6. I knew you'd know! At least part of it. Thanks much! I can find the link.

  7. Interesting. Did you visit the island itself? Any photos?
