Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Earrings stand, Broadway, SoHo, New York

Earrings stand
Broadway, SoHo
New York, September 2008


  1. Great colors! I like earrings on women, even big colorful rings...

    ...but not on men. I've never been able to understand why some men want to wear rings in their ears, noses, lips, nipples, etc.

  2. It means that we have tremendous numbers of ladies in our world, right?
    Oh, I can't imagine the scene men's wearing those colorful rings.
    Because I'm a conservative.

  3. Tricky subject, but I don't like any kind of piercing and won't wear even a single earring.
    I barely tolerate the needle of my dentist, and that is to feel less pain...

  4. Interesting conversation going on here! ;-)
    As we say in French, tous les goƻts sont dans la nature. It's a nice, colourful photo.

  5. Nice photo, I like the way shapes and colours work together.

    For what it's worth, I also like earrings (on women as well as men) but not piercings in other parts of the face and body.

  6. A delightful photo. I'm always glad to see the peace symbol still alive :)
