Sunday, November 29, 2009


Girls rowing in the Grand Canal, Versailles, France

Attempt at rowing in the Grand Canal
Château de Versailles (Palace of Versailles)
France, July 2009


  1. How do you do a smilie that sticks its tongue out in a very un-Versailles and inelegant way? ;-))
    No wonder they aren't rowing, one of them spotted you and thinks you're a paparazzi.

  2. Why do you say "attempt"? Weren't they rowing so good? Methinks these are some "babes" out sunning themselves and not into serious oarsmanship!

    I love Ciel's comment! Are you a paparazzi?

  3. @ Jacob - I could support my tentative rowing theory with many more pictures of them.
    Like many other foreign words paparazzi has a life of its own in English, but in Italian it would still be plural so, at most, I was a paparazzo...

  4. I'd like to see more pictures...when I enlarge this, it appeared to me that you were probably right - these "babes" had no clue what they were doing...

    Thanks for the info on paparazzi vs. paparazzo. And yes, certain language words and phrases do become a wee bit skewed over here...but then most of our young 'un's can't speak proper English anyway so why would anyone expect them to speak another language correctly? :-)

  5. Oops, I should have known that because it's "les" paparazzi en français.

  6. It could be the Lady of Shallot with a few friends. Very nice!
