Friday, November 27, 2009

Giuseppe Verdi

Verdi Square, Upper West Side, New York

Statue of Giuseppe Verdi by Pasquale Civiletti, 1906
Verdi Square
Upper West Side
New York, September 2007

“In the center of Verdi Square stands a monument to the opera composer Giuseppe Verdi, erected in 1906. A statue of him by Pasquale Civiletti (1858–1952) stands at the top of it and statues of four characters from his operas are on the base below him: Falstaff on the west side of the statue; Leonora of La forza del destino on the south side; Aida on the north side; and Otello on the east side. In the landscaping devised by Lynden Miller in 2004, flowers around the statue bloom in the spring and summer months.” (Verdi Square, Wikipedia)


  1. Great portrait of a statue...I especially like the way the light plays with the shadows!

  2. The man himself. That's a very nice statue with pretty shadows. Are those angels around the base?

  3. @ ciel - No, they are Falstaff, Leonora of La forza del destino, Aida and Otello.

  4. I like to visit this blog every day, and so I'm surprised I missed so many! I had to go out of town a few times, but now I have the pleasure of finding quite a few posts. Inspired by you and Ciel, I started yet one more blog, which is in my profile. This one is Tapirgal's Daily Image, and it can be almost anything. Thanks for the encouragement even though you didn't know it!
