Monday, October 19, 2009

Topkapı Palace

Restorer at work, Topkapı Palace, Istanbul

Restorer at work
Topkapı Palace
Istanbul, June 1991


  1. That looks like a back-breaking job! One must be very talented as well as have a strong back!

    Excellent and most interesting photograph.

    What's the Topkapi Palace? And stop laughing at my ignorance!

  2. I've never been to Istanbul yet, is it really worth it as they say? Restoring is one of the best jobs I can imagine. Great shot.

  3. I used to have a little booklet of that place, but everything was in ancient black and white photos. This is great. It breathes air and comes to life.

  4. @ Jacob - Sorry, I put a link on Topkapi in the caption, but forgot to mention it in an answer!

  5. @ ciel - It was then, I really loved the place and the people in the 90s. Now is a bit different...

  6. Thanks, VP. I checked out the link. It sounds more like a small city than a palace - at least for a time.

    What a museum it must be. I wonder if they'll ever open up the whole thing.

  7. Now you've made me feel nostalgic! I've been there 13 years ago... and I don't remember this door! :-)

  8. In what way is it different now? I've never been to Istanbul. Maybe some day...
