Sunday, October 25, 2009

Shakespeare & Co

Shakespeare and Company, Paris

“Shakespeare and Company” is being remodeled
Rue de la Bûcherie
Quartier de la Sorbonne, 5th arrondissement
Paris, July 2005


  1. I wonder what was different about it when they finished...

    I Shakespear and Company a book store?

    And are you still in London? If so, what are you doing on the computer?

  2. @ Jacob - Not much indeed, it's a picturesque bookshop I never really liked.
    We'll be in London for another week. I prepared all my posts in advance, so I have some time in the morning and at night to keep in touch...

  3. I used to go there once in a while when I was a student, but mostly to WH Smith on the rue de Rivoli. Nowadays, I am ashamed to say that for books in English and German, I log on to A*****. For books in French, I still make a point of going to a bookshop, you can't beat them...

  4. Complements with regard to your organizational skills and dedication to CDP!

    Hope you're having the time of your lives!

    Hi, Trillian!

  5. Hi, Jacob! I am still here, always a pleasure to read from you...

  6. That's good, Trillian...VP needs someone to keep an eye on him! ;-)
