Saturday, October 10, 2009

Cafe Borgia

Cafe Borgia, Prince Street, SoHo, New York

Cafe Borgia
Prince Street, SoHo
New York, September 2008


  1. Almost looks like Italy! Isn't the name Borgia associated with some terrible people?

    I could look it up but I'm too lazy!

    It's a nice scene; the weather appears very nice. We're breaking records in terms of temperature...mid-90s! Yuk! Should be low 80s!

  2. @ Jacob - The Borgias were known murderers by poison, so this is a strange name for a cafe...

  3. Nice to see you also here!!I like it very much these spare shots from many differend events!Regards

  4. I knew it was something like that! Very strange name. Unless the owner is a distant relative of the poisoners, in which case one might wish to find another NYC restaurant in which to eat...

    Hope you having a great weekend!

  5. Thanks for the memories. We didn't eat here, but sat out on a very pleasant day at another NYC cafe last May. It was lovely.

  6. I love al fresco dining and coffee drinking. Such a shame we don't have more of it in London...
