Monday, August 17, 2009

The Scoop

Singing in the Scoop, Thames Festival, Southwark, London

Singing in the Scoop
Thames Festival
London, September 2005


  1. Well, this one leaves more questions than answers, for sure.

    What is the "Scoop"?

    What group is singing?

    Why are they singing?

    Were they any good?

    You don't have to answer all that stuff, but I am curious...the photo, I must say, is perfecto! The curve of the ramp and how the singers curve, too, and nestle right in there. You're one hell of a photographer, my friend!

  2. @ ciel - Sorry, I don't remember, but they were good.
    @ Jacob - The City Hall has a sunken auditorium built into the site, called 'The Scoop'. They were alternating huge choruses for some charity.

  3. Interesting:) Nice view on such many people dressed in white:)
