Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Guarding Lady Liberty

Coast Guard 25-Foot Defender Class Boat, Hudson River, New York

Coast Guard 25-Foot Defender Class Boat
Hudson River
New York, September 2007


  1. Very nice action shot, VP! Is that the Statue of Liberty in the distance?

    This boat looks almost too small and flimsy to be a threat; even the guns seem little and ineffective.

    I'm sure none of that's true. But the photo gives the impression that this is a toy boat...

    Of course, it could just be me. Sometimes, my perceptions are a little strange...I think. Maybe?

  2. @ Jacob - Yes, that' the Lady.
    These incredibly fast boats were in good company in the water and in the air at the time (UN General Assembly and President in town).
    I think they were supposed to trace and eventually engage, while summoning quickly 'heavier' help.

  3. Thanks, VP. I figured they would be fast and that's probably the advantage they have.

    Say "Hi" to Trillian...hope her studies are going well!

  4. Is that thing at the bow what I think it is?

  5. This is really interesting to me since I was in NYC last May, and we cruised on the Hudson. We saw Liberty from a little closer than this, but we never saw this scary boat with the machine guns! I suppose it should make me feel comforted, but I'm glad I don't see these on the boats here! Maybe they just hide them better!

  6. Great shot. Evidence that we do have some tough patrols out there even if they do look small...these men ans women are very well prepared. And, as you pointed out, bigger guns are nearby. Fantastic capture.
