Thursday, August 13, 2009

Dray Horse

Jacob the Dray Horse by Shirley Pace, Shad Thames, London

“Jacob - The Circle Dray Horse” by Shirley Pace
Shad Thames
London, September 2005


  1. You posted this purposely, didn't you - knowing I'd be the first to look at it! And I notice, too, the direction the horse is facing and what's facing me! there a message here, somewhere?

    Hmmm...I've been called a horse's you-know-what, but never a "Circle Dray Horse" whatever that means.

    Beautiful sculpture, though!

  2. You are right, but I had no choice about the direction of the horse: on the other side was parked a huge truck.
    This is a monument to the dray horses of the Courage Breweries, where once stood their stables.

  3. Hey Vogon. Just stumbled across your blog, really like your photos! I'll be back again soon.

  4. Lorries... ;-) Shire horses are arguably my favourites. This is simply lovely, the building is super too!

  5. Yes, a fantastic image all around. You must have been excited to find this :)

  6. Great shot! So interesting! I like the statue! And the building is very original in shape and also in the color:)

  7. That looks soooo cool! I've been to Shad Thames several times, but never seen this horse. I'll look for it next time :-)

  8. Amazing composition!
    This is my first visit to this blog and I'm glad I've 'found' it! :-)
