Sunday, July 26, 2009

Three Bridges

Brooklyn, Manhattan and Williamsburg bridges, East River, New York

Brooklyn, Manhattan and Williamsburg bridges
East River
New York, September 2007


  1. You have to be one of the most creative photographers around...another fascinating long did it take you to put this together?

  2. I like bridges and these are wonderful! Thanks!

  3. @ Jacob - This is a by product of my laziness: I was resting on a lounger at Pier 17, shooting almost everything in sight...
    Have you seen the plane?

  4. You are one hell of a creative, if lazy, photographer! ;-)

    No, I hadn't noticed the plane until you mentioned it...I keep forgetting to embiggen photos and then I miss stuff like that.

    So, the plane makes it an even more impressive, lounging about shot!

    Does everything you touch turn to gold?

  5. Fantastic picture.
    Regarding your question yes Dolestown PA is James Michener's home town.

  6. "Embiggen," I like that! It's worth it, too, for the detail along the span of the bridge. That's amazing. We were in Manhattan for too short a week in May, and we saw a lot, but didn't get so close to the bridges. Thanks!
