Sunday, December 31, 2006


Le Moretti by Raymond Moretti, Courbevoie, La Défense, Paris

Le Moretti by Raymond Moretti, 1992
Courbevoie, La Défense
Paris, October 2005

“Moretti's vivid imagination was able to express itself freely, transforming a 32-metre air vent into an unusual, colourful artwork. Using 672 fibreglass tubes from 2 to 30 centimetres in diameter, painted in 19 different colours, he covered the entire surface to better underline the volume while maintaining a verticality, offering an insolent and joyful dynamic. In total, the tubes are 22 kilometres long and weigh 27.5 tons! The artwork was created in 1990. The tubes were transported by barge from the manufacturing plant to the location of the chimney and required a total of 2,100 hours of assembly time. It was inaugurated in 1995.” (Le Moretti, Paris La Défense)

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