Friday, January 7, 2005

Twelve Responses to Tragedy

Twelve Responses to Tragedy by Angela Conner, Yalta Memorial Garden, Cromwell Road, South Kensington, London

Twelve Responses to Tragedy by Angela Conner, 1986
Yalta Memorial Garden
Cromwell Road, South Kensington
London, September 2003

Twelve Responses to Tragedy, or the Yalta Memorial, is a memorial located in the Yalta Memorial Garden on Cromwell Road in South Kensington in west London. The memorial commemorates people displaced as a result of the Yalta Conference at the conclusion of the Second World War. Created by the British sculptor Angela Conner, the work consists of twelve bronze busts atop a stone base. The memorial was dedicated in 1986 to replace a previous memorial (also by Conner) from 1982 that had been repeatedly damaged by vandalism.” (Twelve Responses to Tragedy, Wikipedia)

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