Saturday, October 4, 2003

Place Sainte-Opportune

Édicule Guimard (Recreated), Place Sainte-Opportune, Quartier des Halles, Paris

Édicule Guimard (Recreated)
Place Sainte-Opportune
Quartier des Halles, 1st arrondissement
Paris, July 2002

“Ninety-one Guimard entrances survived until 1970. Eighty-six are still extant and protected as historical monuments; six were protected in 1965, the remainder in 1978. These include two original Type B édicules: at Porte Dauphine, on its original site and with the wall panels, and at Abbesses (moved from Hôtel de Ville in 1974). A third Type B of varying form at Châtelet is a 2000 recreation. The remainder of the preserved entrances are simple enclosures or entourages, with or without the light and sign arch. In addition, two sides of an entourage form an entryway to the headquarters building of the RATP.” (Paris Métro entrances by Hector Guimard, Wikipedia)

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