Wednesday, April 16, 2003

Sainte Marie-Madeleine

Le Ravissement de sainte Marie-Madeleine (Mary Magdalen Exalted by Angels) by Carlo Marochetti, Église de la Madeleine (Madeleine Church), Place de la Madeleine, Paris

“Le Ravissement de sainte Marie-Madeleine” (Mary Magdalen Exalted by Angels) by Carlo Marochetti, 1842
Église de la Madeleine (Madeleine Church)
Place de la Madeleine
Quartier de la Madeleine, 8th arrondissement
Paris, July 2002

“Below the mosaic is a row of Corinthian columns which form a theatrical background behind the altar. and a marble stairway leading up to the altar. Behind the altar is a monumental sculpture, ‘The Ecstasy of Mary Magdalene’, by Carlo Marochetti (1805-1868), depicting Mary Magdalene, kneeling in prayer, as she is transported into heaven by three Angels.” (La Madeleine, Wikipedia)

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